I dislike the term 'jack of all trades' because it comes with an unspoken ending 'and master of none'. In Jack’s case, I would end with 'and master of many'. – Tom Bourner

Born and raised in an east London funeral parlour.

Boarded at a state school in rural Essex. It was an oppressive institution but it had an inspiring motto, displayed by pupils on their blazers.

Carpe Diem
On cutting loose aged 16, entered the world of work with stints in telecoms, music and magazine publishing, fashion, retail, sales and advertising before founding Leith & Price, a business development consultancy serving the advertising, marketing and media sectors.

Undertook a wide-ranging inquiry into how the new comes into being, beyond prevailing theories and practices. The inquiry continues.

Creative Action, by Edward Matchett

Order a facsimile copy of Creative Action: The Making of Meaning in a Complex World, GBP 20.00, from Systematic Innovation
First published in 1975 | Not an affiliate link
Founded or co-founded various enterprises:

  • Innovatics
  • Leith & Price
  • Hoochie-Coochie
  • The Centre for Large Group Interventions
  • Transformation Game Facilitators Network
  • The Innovation Agency
  • Open Space UK
Some other creations:

Provided professional services to startups, consulting firms, charities, arts organisations, social enterprises, government bodies and global corporates. Read about some past projects

Areas of expertise include:

  • Breakthrough innovation
  • Systemic change
  • Problem transformation
  • Concept origination and development
  • Thinking partner services
  • Strategy formulation
  • Multi-stakeholder co-creation
  • Participative conferencing
  • Workshop design and facilitation
  • Large group interventions
  • Venture startup
  • Project initiation and management
The Transformation Game
Former consultant in residence at Findhorn Foundation, a spiritual community and ecovillage located in Scotland. At Findhorn, trained as a facilitator of The Transformation Game, subsequently hosting many Transformation Game workshops.
Paul Levy
Paul Levy, before its closure a senior fellow at University of Brighton—Centre for Change, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, and the founder of Rational Madness Theatre Company, FringeReview and CATS3000:

“Jack is an innovation consultant who walks the talk. He is constantly innovating his own business activity, its design and aims. He is ‘the person’ to talk to for large group interventions, for whole system change and innovation. I attended a five day Open Space conference that Jack facilitated. It set me on a new path in life. Jack is highly committed and skilled, challenging and truly creative. Jack thinks deeply about innovation and transformation. He has developed a range of propositions about innovation which can lead to new insights on the topic. He understands creativity and innovation and has developed practical ways to develop innovativeness in organisations. Jack’s views tap into the wild and the wonderful as well as the rational. He likes to shake things up, and to help that shaking to happen quickly. He doesn’t mess about! You won’t always find it easy working with Jack because he is one of that rare breed – an authentic agent of change and innovation who is prepared for things to get harder before they get easier.”

James Wilk
Dr James Wilk MA Oxf, MSc Oxf, PhD, FCybS, University of Oxford; Research Director and Managing Partner, Interchange Research:

“For three decades Jack has been the go-to walking encyclopaedia of the very best and most innovative management and organization theory. He is second to none in comparing, contrasting, and critiquing models, explaining complex management thinking simply and memorably, and turning ideas into effective practice. A sophisticated thinker of this calibre and breadth of knowledge who is also a skilled practitioner, is these days something of a rarity.”

Angus Jenkinson
Angus Jenkinson, formerly Professor of Integrated Marketing at University of Bedfordshire; currently Councillor for Regenerative Agricultures and Ecology at Cotswold District Council:

“I have worked with Jack Martin Leith for more than 20 years. He has one of the most brilliant, penetrating, erudite, and practical minds I know. With his exceptional experience of innovation, large group work and organisation development, he is a terrific partner for clients and consultancies with major projects.”

Math Kohnen
Dr Math Kohnen, formerly a member of the Group Strategy unit at Shell plc and a vice president at Shell GameChanger.

“Jack worked with the Shell GameChanger team to design and deliver innovation workshops in Rijswijk, Netherlands (with a large group of first assignees); in Moscow, Russia (with scientists from a range of scientific institutions); in Trondheim, Norway (with academics from Norwegian University of Science and Technology); and in Ascot, UK (with academics from Imperial College and Wageningen University, along with members of Shell’s Water to Value team). His understanding of the issues, passion for innovation and down-to-earth approach made a valuable contribution to GameChanger.”

Tom Bourner
Tom Bourner, Emeritus Professor of Personal and Professional Development, University of Brighton, UK:

“I’ve known Jack Martin Leith since 1995 when he taught the Creative Problem Solving module of the MA in Managing Change at the University of Brighton.

His workshops were very well received by the participants (most of them managers in the private and public sectors), who appreciated Jack’s encyclopaedic knowledge of the field of creativity, innovation and change, and his provocative yet supportive style of facilitation.

We brought Jack into the team because of his special expertise in the field and it would be true to say that the rest of the staff team learned a great deal from Jack about creative problem-solving and how to develop it in managers.”

Rohit Talwar
Rohit Talwar, CEO, Fast Future:

“Jack is a living example of innovation, creativity and constant reinvention. His capacity for original thought, creative process design and in-depth research is awe-inspiring. Jack doesn’t do passion – he is passion!”

Enriching the world: Is it good business practice?

Here is the five-minute talk I gave some years ago to 200 participants in an Ignite event held at the Tobacco Factory in Bristol. The 20 slides accompanying the talk auto-advance every 15 seconds. I just about managed to keep up with them.

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